Marmalade Boy

Marmalade Boy is a live-action adaptation of the popular manga by Yoshizumi Wataru, which tells the story of Koishikawa Miki and Matsuura Yuu, two high school students who fall in love after their parents swap partners and live together. The drama follows their complicated relationship as they deal with the challenges of being stepsiblings, classmates, and lovers.
The drama is a faithful rendition of the manga, capturing the essence of the characters and the plot. The cast is well-chosen, especially Sakurai Hinako and Yoshizawa Ryo, who portray Miki and Yuu with charm and chemistry. The supporting characters are also memorable, such as Miki’s best friend Meiko, who has a secret affair with her teacher, and Yuu’s rival Ginta, who still has feelings for Miki.
The drama is a mix of comedy, romance, and drama, with some twists and turns along the way. The first half is light-hearted and funny, as Miki and Yuu adjust to their new family situation and develop their feelings for each other. The second half is more intense and dramatic, as they face some obstacles and secrets that threaten their relationship. The ending is satisfying and sweet, as they overcome their difficulties and reaffirm their love.
Marmalade Boy is a nostalgic and enjoyable drama for fans of the manga and the genre. It is a refreshing and romantic story that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good love story with a touch of humor and drama. 8/10.