
Nisekoi is a romantic comedy anime series that adapts the manga of the same name by Naoshi Komi. The story follows the complicated love life of Raku Ichijo, the son of a yakuza leader, who has to pretend to be in a relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a rival mafia boss, to avoid a gang war. However, Raku also has a childhood promise with a mysterious girl who gives him a pendant that can only be opened by her key. He hopes to find her among his classmates, especially Kosaki Onodera, his crush and childhood friend. Along the way, he meets other girls who have keys or connections to his past, such as Marika Tachibana, his fiancée; and Seishiro Tsugumi, Chitoge’s bodyguard.
The anime is produced by Shaft, a studio known for its unique and stylish animation. The character designs are faithful to the manga, and the voice acting is well done. The opening and ending songs are catchy and fit the mood of the show. The anime follows the manga closely, but also adds some original episodes and scenes. The humor is mostly based on the misunderstandings and antics of the characters, as well as the parodies of other anime and manga genres. The romance is slow-paced and often interrupted by the comedy, but there are some sweet and touching moments between the characters.
Nisekoi is an enjoyable anime for fans of the harem and romantic comedy genres. It has a colorful cast of characters, each with their own personality and charm. The anime does not have a conclusive ending, as it only covers part of the manga, but it still offers a satisfying and entertaining experience. Nisekoi is a fun and lighthearted anime that will make you laugh and smile.
Here is some additional information about the main characters:
  • Raku Ichijo is the son of a yakuza leader and the heir to the Shuei-gumi gang. He is a kind, honest, and hardworking student who excels in academics and cooking. He has a crush on Kosaki Onodera, his classmate and childhood friend, who he believes is the girl he made a promise with ten years ago. He wears a pendant around his neck that can only be opened by the key of his promised girl. He is forced to pretend to be in a relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a rival gang boss, to prevent a war between their families. He initially dislikes Chitoge, but gradually develops feelings for her as they spend more time together. He is also popular with other girls, such as Marika Tachibana, his arranged fiancée, and Seishiro Tsugumi, Chitoge’s bodyguard. He is often oblivious to the feelings of the girls around him, and struggles to choose between them.
  • Chitoge Kirisaki is the daughter of a mafia leader and the heir to the Beehive gang. She is a beautiful, smart, and athletic girl who transfers to Raku’s school. She is also very clumsy, stubborn, and violent, often hitting Raku with her trademark “Gorilla Punch”. She hates Raku at first, but agrees to fake a relationship with him for the sake of their families. She gradually falls in love with him, but denies her feelings and tries to act tsundere. She is also friends with Kosaki Onodera, Ruri Miyamoto, and Seishiro Tsugumi, who support her in her romance. She has a key that she thinks might fit Raku’s pendant, but she is not sure if she is his promised girl. She is also good at making sweets, especially macarons.
  • Kosaki Onodera is Raku’s classmate and childhood friend. She is a sweet, shy, and gentle girl who works at a sweets shop with her family. She has a crush on Raku, but is too timid to confess her feelings. She is also the girl that Raku likes, and the one he thinks is his promised girl. She has a key that she inherited from her mother, but she does not know what it opens. She is also friends with Chitoge Kirisaki, Ruri Miyamoto, and Haru Onodera, her younger sister. She is bad at cooking, but good at making sweets, especially chocolate.
I hope you all enjoy Nisekoi too 💖 8/10.