Yamazaki Kento and Tao Tsuchiya
Orange is a movie that explores the themes of friendship, regret, and time travel. It follows the story of Naho Takamiya, a high school girl who receives letters from her future self, warning her about the fate of her new classmate, Kakeru Naruse. Kakeru is a troubled boy who carries the guilt of his mother’s suicide and will eventually take his own life. Naho and her friends decide to change the future by following the advice of the letters and supporting Kakeru.
The movie is a faithful adaptation of the anime, which is based on the manga series by Ichigo Takano. The cast is well-chosen and delivers convincing performances, especially Tao Tsuchiya as Naho and Kento Yamazaki as Kakeru. They have a natural chemistry and portray the complex emotions of their characters with subtlety and nuance. The supporting cast is also excellent, especially Ryo Ryusei as Hiroto Suwa, Naho’s childhood friend who has a crush on her and sacrifices his feelings for Kakeru’s sake.
The cinematography is beautiful and captures the scenic locations of Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture. The movie uses a warm color palette and soft lighting to create a nostalgic and romantic atmosphere. The music by Otomo Yoshihide is also fitting and adds to the emotional impact of the scenes. The movie features several songs by the popular Japanese band Kobukuro, including the theme song “Mirai”, which means “future” in Japanese.
The movie is a tearjerker that will make you cry and smile at the same time. It is a touching story of love, friendship, and hope. It shows how small actions can make a big difference in someone’s life. It also raises awareness about mental health issues and suicide prevention. It is a movie that will stay with you long after you watch it. 9/10 from me 👀❤