SKET Dance is a comedy anime that follows the adventures of the SKET Brigade, a club that helps people with various problems at Kaimei High School. The club consists of three members: Bossun, the leader who has a special ability to concentrate; Himeko, the former delinquent who wields a hockey stick; and Switch, the otaku who communicates through a speech synthesizer. Together, they take on different requests from students and teachers, ranging from finding lost items to solving mysteries to dealing with bullies.
The anime is based on a manga of the same name by Shinohara Kenta, which ran from 2007 to 2013 in Weekly Shonen Jump. The anime adaptation was produced by Tatsunoko Production and aired from 2011 to 2012, with a total of 77 episodes. The anime also features crossover episodes with Gintama, another popular comedy manga and anime by Sorachi Hideaki.
The main appeal of SKET Dance is its humor, which is often based on parodies, references, and absurd situations. The anime does not have a continuous plot, but rather episodic stories that showcase the different characters and their interactions. The anime also has some serious and emotional moments, especially when it explores the past and motivations of the main characters. The anime has a large and diverse cast of supporting characters, each with their own quirks and personalities.
The animation and sound of the anime are decent, but not outstanding. The character designs are faithful to the manga, and the colors are bright and cheerful. The anime uses various sound effects and music to enhance the comedy and mood of the scenes. The voice acting is also well-done, with the actors delivering their lines with enthusiasm and expression. The opening and ending songs are catchy and upbeat, and fit the tone of the anime.
Overall, SKET Dance is a fun and enjoyable anime that will make you laugh and smile. It is a good anime for fans of comedy, school life, and slice of life genres. It is also a good anime for fans of Gintama, as the two anime share similar styles of humor and references. If you are looking for an anime that will brighten your day and make you feel good, SKET Dance is a good choice. I give it a score of 8 out of 10. 👀❤